A workshop with Bernhard Bockelbrink at the Berlin Change Days, November 7, 9:00-13:00.
Sociocracy 3.0 is a framework for organizational transformation through conscious collaboration, resting on the the pillars of meaningful relationships, participatory decision making and continuous evolution. It meets organizations and people where they are and facilitates the discovery of both shared motivation and more effective processes.
One way to look at Sociocracy 3.0 is as a collection of ideas and patterns for successfully navigating organizational challenges by tapping collective wisdom. As you will experience hands- on, some of these ideas can also be applied in the context of a workshop:
We will start by practicing Consent Decision Making and Proposal Forming (an interactive format for problem solving in groups) in order to create the learning journey for the workshop together. I will bring some suggestions for activities, but the course of the workshop is up to the group, you may be interested in group facilitation techniques, dive deep into organizational transformation, focus on specific aspects of collaboration and co-creation, or choose to do something completely different. We will close the workshop with a brief review of our achievements and growing edges.
The very minimum you will take away with you is an experience of Sociocracy 3.0’s subtle mechanics for growing relationships in a group, and hands-on knowledge of some facilitated group processes you can use in your next workshops. Let’s discover together what else is in there for you. Ultimately I hope you find inspiration with Sociocracy 3.0 for your work as a facilitator and change agent.